Thanks for purchasing the Back Lay Ladder Bot.

If you have subscribed to EasyBetbot( in past, then you can go through this manual very quickly.
Let’s start the deep dive into the Back Lay Ladder Bot.

Once you open the bot, complete the registration process and click on desktop icon, then you will see the below screen, where you must input your betfair id and password and click on login.

Select the right betfair in the domain and put your credentials and you will able to login into the BackLayLadderBot.

On the left-hand side, you can see all the markets related to Horses or Greyhounds (depending on what you select) which are available for next 8-12 hours, that have been loaded upfront.

Wallet – it will show the current balance in your betfair account.

Auto1/Auto2/Auto3 Profit – It will show the overall profit/loss for each automated system.

Manual Profit – it will show the overall profit/loss when you place bets manually.

Tailored Profit 1 and 2 - it will show the overall profit/loss when you place bets via tailored betting systems.

You will see the prices and horses name for each market. You will see the tittle of the event in the middle screen at the top.

Time – it will reflect the time for the off.

Volume – Volume of money matched in the event in your betfair currency.

Sort: you can sort with favorite at the top.

Let’s start at Manual system tab.

Re-load markets – you can reload the markets by pressing reload button, else it will auto reload every 4-5 hours. Recommended – always keep Auto Reload ticked.

Market: - You can select either win or place, accordingly, market will load on the left-hand side.

Select the countries based on your interest – AUS, NZ, GB, RSA and more.

In play action – you can select between cancel, keep and SP option.

Commission – input the betfair commission.

Bet Type: - select Ladder, Back SAW, Just Lay and New Lay (Understand all four options in more detail here

If you have bought the excel or cloud versions already, then it will be quick for you, else go through the above link in your free time. But it is important to understand the concept. We have anyway done detailed tutorial videos for Back Lay Ladder bot , that will also be covered there .

Profit Target per bet: - input the amount which you want to make from each bet.

What you see above is manual way to use backlayladderbot.

Input the last Bet result on back side and last bet result on Lay side, depending on what bet type user selects. Say you have selected Ladder as bet type for Manual option.

For the very first bet, you should input Won in both Back and Lay because you don’t have anything to recover from the previous losses, see below.

Say, you have a winning Lay and Lost back from the first bet, the next bet will look like.

You should manually input .5 (Lost amount) due to losing back  and the number of losses for back side is 1. The bot will calculate how much profit you need from the next horse or greyhounds.

See the tutorial in detail to understand the Manual option for Back Lay Ladder bot.

Let look at our super exciting Auto 1 system tab next. You can use up to three auto strategies.

In Auto bets side, user can use up to 3 strategies having each one of them having different settings.

You can select the countries you want to bet on.

Say one Auto Betting Strategy only for Aus/NZ, 2nd strategy only for UK etc.

Select the numbers of tabs you want to use for each auto system.

Event type: - Select between horse racing or Greyhounds.

Win / Place – You can select either Win or Place Or Both.

Allow Handicap:  Tick if you want to bet on Handicap.

Allow Non -Handicap: Tick if you want to bet on non-handicap.

Allow Harness – applicable for Harness racing in Australia. You should untick this, if you don’t want to bet on harness racing.

Please make sure you go through the video tutorial in detail.

Bet Type :- Back SAW, Ladder, Just Lay, New Lay.

Min price and Max price for the selection.

Mexican wave : - This instruction makes sure that the betting is allocated to each enabled tab, and then starts again. If unticked it will bet first available tab and not rotate with all available tabs, and it is not the best option. ( Our recommendation is to keep it unticked).

Time to Bet : Select Pre Play.

Seconds : bets to be placed before the off ( in seconds ).

In play action : Select SP/ keep/Cancel.

Min Matched: Minimum liquidity expected to be in the Horse race.

Min / Max runners: - Input values based on min/max Horses you want in the race.

First Fav’s min price :- if you are not selecting to bet on First fav but want to keep min price on Fav as one of your criteria, you can do that with this filter.

Profit target – profit target from each bet.

Profit Delta – This is another great feature in the bot. Profit delta is the amount by which next lay or back stake will be increased once you have the losing bet. For example, if your profit target is $1 and you have profit delta as $.50, then if you have back side as a losing bet, then your 2nd back target will not be $1 but it will be $1.50.

Stop@profit each tab is the amount of profit which you want to make from each tab.

Stop@profit all tabs is the overall amount of profit which you want to make from the bot overall.

stop@loss each tab is the stop loss value for each tab, or you can input the amount of losing runs you will have before the tab stops taking anymore bets.

Continue button will ensure that the bot should not stop once profit target is reached but it will start the fresh cycle. So, if you want to keep running the bot always, please keep the continue button ticked.

Here you can see two buttons – Continue with restart and continue without restart.

Once the stop loss has been reached for any tab, then you would have option to continue betting as it is or start a new cycle.

Very important
– Please use the option “Continue with restart “checked as otherwise you are exposing yourself to big risk. You may lose your bank if you have a losing run and continue without restart is checked.

Since it is auto betting mode, hence it is important to keep stop loss and stop profit values.

Start button: - Once the settings are set by the user, press the start button in order to start the bot.

Stop button: - press the stop button to stop the bot.

Log out: - press the log out button and you will come out of the bot.

Clear button.

When you start betting next day, the bot will start from the same cycle where you left it previous day unless you use a clear button and want to start fresh.  If you want to continue the same cycle, don’t use the clear button and just press the start button and let it run every day.

There are respective clear buttons for each tab as well.

Tailored Betting

We have tailored betting tabs as well, tailored 1 and Tailored 2 . it will work exactly the same as Auto except in this case you can program your selections.

If you see selection box, you will find 1st favorite to 5th favorite along with the list of horses or greyhounds for the selected race.

Once the selection has been put with other parameters, you should schedule your bet.

Let’s have a quick look into tabs.

You can use clear button to remove the respective results , I just pressed Clear Auto1, Clear Auto 2 and clear Auto 3.

And all that is showing is the Tailored bets in Tab 2 now.

By the way, I don’t these buttons a lot, because I collect data so, you can delete once all results are saved from the main results tab.

Transfer Button

Now, if you are losing money on one tab, your next stake will increase accordingly for the upcoming bet. But if you have another tab where you have made some decent profit and you want to transfer some bit of that profit to the losing tab, you can do that with the help of transfer button.

You can ONLY transfer from profitable tab to losing tab. You can transfer from back to lay or lay to back side but it has to be only from profitable tab to losing tab.

Obviously, one has to be rich in order to help the poor…same logic applies when we transfer the money.

Results will be available in the results tab.

Results will come in Results tab.

As you can see it has made me AUD 24.52 in last 3 days of testing.

See the export button at the bottom, this will ensure all results on this screen will come into excel.

Log Files.

Logs if appear if you have ticked show log.

Show log : This is very important feature in all of our bots.

Now, the user can see what the bot is doing second by second. You may not be able to understand everything what is in the log but it is helpful in order to investigate any error or why a bet was not placed.

You can access the detailed log file at the following address:-
C:\Program Files (x86)\Profit Sports Betting\BackLayLadderbot\log_files

Video Tutorials.

Manual Tutorial.

Runtime 17.00 minutes see 3 races live action. 

Auto 1,2,3 Tutorial


Tailored 1 & 2 Tutorial




If you are our existing user of either of Easybetbot /Fibo Bot/ APS Bot/ Saw New Gen Bot/DFS bot, then I am sure you will find  backlayladderbot very comfortable to use.

I am sure you will enjoy this simple and entertaining bot.
If you want to know more about our bots, have a look on link below
Thanks as always for your support
Michael & Steve

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